Always for better promotion and support

As previously explained here and for better promotion and support to bands again, I added the bandmails for contact info, booking and merch to all the threads related with folk metal bands in the forum of Sword Chant. I hope it could help a bit professionals and listeners but so, it means bands emails will be also required into the future bands threads from now. At same time, I updated some bands threads in the need.

The turn of the non-folk metal bands threads will be for later but their email address are also required now anyway. Bands are free to contact me to report errors if they find some...  or if they want non-clickable links, even after read that link. I'll understand (but i won't forget the "small revolution" about, from some other bands^^)

I would like to thank the bands (Ensiferum, Svartsot, Trollfest, Elvenking... and many others) who took time to help me in that work. Very appreciated, thank you.
