Heathen Foray : Mei Laund song translated to English

Words : Official English translations
Song : Mei Laund
Release : Inner Force
Thanks to the band for the sharing

Mei Laund

My father died last night
He was an honest, good old man
He thought me everything I know
He thought me the wonders of life

Stand your man- speak the truth- take a stance- in honesty
All that's left from him is our land
Where we lived a lifetime long
Stand your man- speak the truth- take a stance- in honesty

I will defend this land to my last breath
Nobody will take it away
because that's the last I have from my father
who got this land from his father
And in the middle there is my parents' home
He built it with his own hands
Gave blood and sweat therefor
Never gave up, that's how he was

We will meet again in afterlife
Where we will have some beers
and look down at this meddling mess
and be amused by all the insane
And I will teach the same to my son
All that matters in the world
Whre'n'when he gotta fight
and where'n'when you take a break

Sometimes I range the woods
I look around in peace
And I know I already
have all I need for a good life
And sometimes I'm at the river
I just knew from him
Thinking by myself
Thanks old man! I'm gonna pass on this feeling
At that moment I see a deer walking past
And I just think : Yes! I'm home. 
