
Showing posts from September, 2008

Carved In Stone

LOCATION :  Germany Status :  Active Music :  Pagan Folk MEMBERS : Swawa ( Taunusheim )  : vocals, all instruments HISTORY : Carved in Stone is a solo project founded by Swawa. The project goes down after Tales of Glory and Tragedy album but returns with a new album in 2021. RECORDINGS : The Forgotten Belief, MCD 2002 Hear the Voice, album 2004 Tales of Glory & Tragedy, album 2007 Wafts of Mist & The Forgotten Belief, album 2021 WEBSITES : Facebook Contact : N/A


LOCATION :  Brasília, Brazil Status :  Active Music :  Black Pagan MEMBERS : Hécate : vocals, keyboards Thormianak : guitars Ariadne Souza : drums Aletea Cosso : bass Past member : V. Digger : drums Nygrom : drums HISTORY : Miasthenia is a melodic black pagan metal band from Brazil, formed in 1994. RECORDINGS : split with Lament (Bra), split 1995 Para o Encanto do Sabbat...,  demo 1995 Miasthenia - Faun- Trágica Música Noturna,  demo 1996 Visions Of Nocturnal Tragedies, split 1998 XVI, album 2000 Batalha Ritual, album 2004 Supremacia Ancestral, album 2008 O Ritual da Rebelião DVD 2011 Legados do Inframundo, album 2014 Antipodes, album 2017 Miasthenia / Ifall - Sinfonia Ritual, split album 2019 Trágicos Encantos Primordiais: Demos 1995 - 1996, compilation 2020 WEBSITES : Facebook Youtube Bandcamp Contact :


LOCATION :  Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany Status :  Active Music :  Black Pagan MEMBERS : Christoph "Fenris" : vocals Christoph H : guitars Tibor : guitars Tom J. : bass Tom W : drums Past members : Johannes : bass Maik M. : guitars HISTORY : Ahnengrab (engl: 'Ancestors' Grave') founded in 2006. Their lyrics deal with paganism and mythology. RECORDINGS : Ahnengrab, album 2008 Omen, album 2012 Schattenseiten, album 2018 [ details ] WEBSITES : N / A Contact : Find more information on Sword Chant : - Band news


LOCATION :  Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China Status :  Split-up Music :  Folk Metal MEMBERS : A.J.Alex : vocals, all instruments HISTORY : Empylver was a one-man band by A.J.Alex who seems to have abandoned that project for awhile. RECORDINGS : Empylver, EP 2005 Forsaken, EP 2006 Wood Woud Would, album 2006 WEBSITES : Facebook Contact :  N/A


LOCATION :  Germany Status :  Active Music :  Medieval Folk MEMBERS : Snorre Snoerkelfrey : lyrics, vocals, flutes, mandoline, hurdy-gurdy Pinto von Frohsinn : vocals, bodhrán, gutar-lute, flutes, davul Hengest der Lange : fiddle, nyckelharpa, bouzouki Sirkka von Ungefähr : vocals, guitar-lute HISTORY : Versengold music is ruled by catchy melodies and strong vocals, meant to be sung by the crowd too. Some songs are like dialogues, with a change between Sirkka's female and Snorre's male vocals. The lyrics deal with medieval life in general, drinking, women, love and paganism sometimes. RECORDINGS : Hörensagen, album 2005 Allgebräu, album 2006 Ketzerey, album 2008 Auf In Den Wind, album 2014 Zeitlos, album 2015 [  details  ] Live 2015, live album 2015 [  details  ] Funkenflug, album 2017 [  details  ] Nordlicht, album 2019 Was kost die Welt, album 2022 WEBSITES : Facebook Twitter Youtube Instagram ...


LOCATION :  Hamburg, Germany Status :  Split-up Music :  Black Pagan MEMBERS : Wittwolf : guitar, vocals S. : guitar, vocals HISTORY : The band founded on September 11, 2008. The idea of Garleben came while S. was recording some guitar stuff in Wittwolfs homestudio and they decided to make their own version of Amon Amart's "Valhall awaits me". While trying to write the german lyrics for "Valhall awaits me", they decied to continue singing in german language but the band is on hold since 2011...  RECORDINGS : Chronos, demo 2009 Hammonia, album 2010 Garleben, EP 2011 WEBSITES : Facebook Contact :  N/A


LOCATION :  Groningen, The Netherlands Status :  Split-up Music :  Folk Metal MEMBERS : Lotte : vocals Lainedil : vocals, guitar Merlijn Poolman : drums Liza "Aphrodite" Hoek : bass Ronald "Wolve" Lukken : guitars Bert "Grimbert den Heerscher" de Ruiter : keyboards Past members : Iné "The Crusher" Zijlstra : vocals HISTORY : The band founded in 2004 under the name 'Tearful Dawn" but changed for "Elexorien" the next year. Their lyrics deal with battles. The band split-up in 2013. RECORDINGS : Rising of the Storm, demo 2005 Elexorien, album 2007 WEBSITES : N/A Contact :  N/A


LOCATION :  Munich, Germany Status :  Active Music :  Medieval Folk MEMBERS : Sigrid "Syrah" Hausen (Qntal) : vocals, flute Sarah M. Newman ; vielle, vocals Michael Popp  (Qntal) : oud, saz, strings instruments Ernst Schwindl : hurdy gurdy Alex Haas : bass Sascha Gotowtschikow : percussions Iman Kandoussi : vocals Aziz Samsaoui : Qanun, Ud, Percussion HISTORY : The band founded by Sigrid Hausen, Michael Popp et Ernst Schwindl in 1985. The bandname comes from medieval dance. ESTAMPIE performs with their core ensemble, performing various selections from their standard repertoire as well as with two other cooperative projects: "Al Andaluz" (with musicians from Spain and Marocco) and "Marco Polo" (with musicians from Mongolia). RECORDINGS : A chantar - Lieder der Frauenminne, album 1990 Ave maris stella - Marienverehrung im Mittelalter, album 1991 Ludus Danielis - Ein mittelalterliches Mysterienspiel, album 1994 Crusad...

De Dannan

LOCATION :  Galway, Ireland Status :  Split-up Music :  Celtic Folk MEMBERS : Frankie Gavin : fiddle, flute and whistle Barry Brady : accordion Bernadine Casserly : vocals Dan Bodwell : double bass and vocals Colm O’Caoimh : guitar and vocals Past members : Alec Finn : guitar, bouzouki Johnny “Ringo” McDonagh : bodhrán Charlie Piggott : banjo Derek Hickey : accordion Tomie Fleming : vocals Dolores Keane : vocals Mary Black : vocals Maura O'Connell : vocals Johnny Moynihan : vocals Eleanor Shanley : vocals Aidan Coffey : accordion Jackie Daly : accordion HISTORY : They were formed in 1973 by Frankie Gavin, Alec Finn, Johnny “Ringo” McDonagh & Charlie Piggott by sessions in Hughes’s Pub in Spiddal, County Galway and was called "Dé Danann" but changed the bandname to De Dannan. The name of the band comes from the "Tuatha dé danann" in Celtic mythology. Hungarian Rhapsody album was inspired by the late Freddie Merc...

Tri Yann

LOCATION :  Nantes, France Status :  Split-up Music :  Celtic Folk / Rock MEMBERS : Founder members :  Jean-Louis Jossic : vocals, bombard Jean Chocun : vocals, mandolin, guitar Jean-Paul Corbineau : vocals, acoustic guitar Current members : Gérard Goron : vocals, drums Jean-Luc Chevalier : electric guitar, bass guitar Konan Mevel : bagpipes, flutes Fred Bourgeois : vocals, keyboards Christophe Peloil : vocals,violin HISTORY : Jean-Louis Jossic, Jean Chocun and Jean-Paul Corbineau founded TRI YANN or "the three Jean", one band that was previously named as " Tri Yann an Naoned " (The 3 Jean from Nantes) and becomes one of the great influence for many musicians. The band founded on 27th December 1970 splits in 2021. RECORDINGS : Tri Yann an Naoned , album 1972 Dix ans, Dix filles, album 1973 Suite Gallaise, album 1974 La Découverte ou l'Ignorance, album 1976 Urba, album 1978 An Héol a zo Glaz / Le Soleil est Vert...


LOCATION :  Stockholm, Sweden Status :  Active Music :  Black Pagan MEMBERS : Jens Rydén : vocals Patrik Lindgren : guitar Fredrik Hernborg : guitar Dennis Ekdahl : drums Joakim "Jocke" Kristensson : keyboards Past members : Peter Lof : keyboard Vintras : guitar Thomas Väänänen : vocals Henrik Svegsjö : guitar HISTORY : The band was founded in 1995. RECORDINGS : Solen Svartnar demo 1995 Hednaland demo 1996 Thyrfing, album 1998 Valdr Galga, album 1999 Hednaland, compilation 1999 Urkraft, album 2000 Vansinnesvisor, album 2002 Farsotstider, album 2005 Hels Vite, album 2008 De ödeslösa, album 2013 Vanagandr, album 2021 WEBSITES : Twitter Facebook Instagram Youtube Bandcamp Contact : Booking :


LOCATION :  Petrozavodsk, Karelia, Russia Status :  Active Music :  Folk Metal MEMBERS : Vasiliy Kozlov : guitar, vocals Nikolay Kuskov : drums Dmitriy Dobrynin : keyboards, backing vocals Dmitriy Voronin ( Pagan Reign ) : guitar Nøkken : bass Past members : Pavel Nosov : bass Evgeniy Tikhonov : bass, backing vocals Olga Prokof'eva : keyboards Sergei Skuratyonok : keyboards Mr. Magister : bass Chester : bass HISTORY : Satanakozel means "Satan goat". The band was formed by Vasily Kozlov and Nikolay Kuskov in 2003 but changed line-up several times. RECORDINGS : Demo 2004 Rogatiya, album 2008 Sun of the dead, album 2010 North, album 2015 [ details ] WEBSITES : Vkontakte Facebook Instagram Contact : Find more information on Sword Chant : - Band news