August's albums

Below are the folk metal albums released while August 2013.

Don't forget to thank the bands on their respective pages, for the free and legal downloads they give you. :)

01 - Isatha - Erdei Regék [ Free Download ]
09 - Equilibrium - Waldschrein
12 - Delion - The Beginning
13 - Mael Mordha - All Eire Will Quake (single)
16 - Vorna - Ajastaika
16 - Saltatio Mortis - Das schwarze Einmaleins
20 - Northsong - Forgotten Tales (single)
24 - Trollort - Blood Fest Starts
24 - Swords At Hymns - My freedom... Forgotten in a Gray Dimness EP [ Free Download ]
26 - Turisas - Turisas2013 (Europe)
26 - Kylfingar - Észak Népe EP [ Free Download ]
26 - Trollband - Samsara [ Free download ]
27 - Nekrogoblikon - Power EP
30 - Caladmor - Of Stones and Stars
30 - Frosttide - Awakening
30 - Schandmaul - So weit, so gut
30 - Red Rum - With gods by our side EP
