Sword Chant goes on hold

Dear readers,

First of all, I want to thank you for following Sword Chant.
Sadly, I'm forced to stop activities for now and for two reasons :

For more than a year, reaching band news on social medias become almost impossible. 
This is due to their changed policies and amount of professionals that increases, I follow.

For ten years, I used to contact bands, labels to get infos and so on.... but I have the power no more to do so
when I see I don't get a reply, or when I see a worse situation...

Some months ago, I decided to expand my acitvity with writing on the web, trying new things so, I made another website very different but updates there are unlike Sword Chant, rather soothed.

The second reason is painful more as I am bothered with health problem for some time now. I won't tell more about because firstly, you won't understand, and secondly, this is my business only.

You all know my will to support Music & Culture - If you thought the flame went out, you're wrong.

I would like to keep this site updated, but that newsfeed problem is one big management issue. I tried many ways to fix it but it didn't work. All I see in social medias regarding bands are gigs pictures and other less interesting posts. This is the situation I meet now.

I had subscribed to some labels newsletters but they send emails for various metal bands and only 1/10 bands that is folk metal..  Lately, I unsubscribed them all.

Now, I'll have a break with this website but I am open to discuss that management issue in private. 
The website will return once that issue will be fixed.

I suggest to bands to contact me as I won't do that first step for this time.

Thank you


  1. Meh, I know what you mean..
    I'm struggling often with the same things.

    Anyway, good luck..
    Take some time for yourself, and come back with fresh energy.

  2. Really sorry to hear that. Get well soon. Much love from E-an-na.


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