FROST GIANT released Once But Not Now EP

FROST GIANT released their third EP titled "Once But Not Now".

The band comments : "This was recorded in several different places, but it came together at The Armory Studios and it was engineered by Scott Minner. Mastering by Ken Sorceron. 
On this release we wanted to go back to a more primal sound, moving away from the glossiness and engineered perfection of modern metal recordings. We chose Scott Minner because of his background recording punk & hardcore music. It was a stretch for him mixing so many elements compared to what he is used to doing, and a stretch for us to resist the urge to fix every little detail. We left a lot of imperfections in the mix. We didn't use pitch correction on the vocals or guitars. We did not use time-alignment. Drum sample replacement was present but it was kept as close to Armen's kit sound as we could. We wanted it to sound broken, like a race car on fire that still just won't slow down. "
