KYLFINGAR released "Halhatatlanok" for the world!

Previously released on june 10, 2014 in Hungary only, KYLFINGAR now released  "Halhatatlanok" for the world.


01. Széllel... ("With Wind..." - intro)
02. Észak Népe ("People of the North")
03. Kilenc Valkűr ("Nine Valkyries")
04. Helheim
05. Sörtánc ("Beer-Dance")
06. Út a Valhallába ("Road to Valhalla")
07. Új Haza - Kölpény Vihar I. ("New Home - Storm of Kylfings pt. 1")
08. Halhatatlanok ("Immortals")
09. Emlékek... ("Memories..." - outro)
10. Sörtánc (acoustic version - bonus)

You can listen to the record passing by my youtube channel and theirs.

Email the band to order one copy.
Price: 8 euros + postage/shipping cost  
