
Showing posts from 2018

AN DANZZA released The Claws of Dawn

"The Claws of Dawn" is the new album out now , signed by AN DANZZA. TRACKLIST : 1. Beltane (Music: Andrés Campuzano. Lyrics: Haydée Mariñoso) Our vision of the pagan festival of Beltane, within a love context. Cheerful music in the first single from the album, for which we have also shot a videoclip. There is a small introduction, where the music seems to approach slowly, (8d technique) and represents the spirit of the party coming to the place. It features a large number of instruments, including highlights such as the hammered dulcimer and the bagpipe. 2. O Fortuna (Music: Andrés Campuzano. Lyrics: Traditional) Mythological song based on an ancient medieval Latin poem dedicated to the Roman goddess of luck. This track features the carnyx, a wind instrument of the iron age celts, used between c. 200 BC and c. AD 200. Entrancing symphonic choirs are also present. 3. From the Afterlife (Music: Andrés Campuzano. Lyrics: Haydée Mariñoso) We enter the darkn...

FUROR GALLICO album 2019

FUROR GALLICO returns with a third album titled 'Dusk Of The Ages', out on January 18th, yet available for preorder . TRACKLIST : 01 - Passage to a New Life 02 - The Phoenix 03 - Waterstrings 04 - Nebbia della mia Terra 05 - Canto d’Inverno 06 - Starpath 07 - Aquane 08 - The Sound of Infinity 09 - Dusk of the Ages 10 - The Gates of Annwn

OURAWEN new album out now

OURAWEN released their third album titled  "Le Goût des Orties" French people can order the record to the following address : A ssociation Ourawen 33, rue de Rennes 35 340 Liffré People outside France can contact the band, ordering their record, passing by their facebook page. TRACKLIST : 01. bobias de la lune (ridée)  02. la goutte à papi (avant-deux nord Ille-etVilaine) 03. la compagnie des cendes (kérouézée)  04. après la pluie viendra le vent (rond paludier)  05. Zoige (maraichine)  06. j'y vais mon train  07. Roz Kotou (plinn ton simpl)  08. roc'h (plinn tamm-kreiz) 09. à dreuz (plinn ton doubl)  10. le sombre passager (mazurka)  11. gaz! (avant-deux de travers)  12. Skellig night curragh

ABINCHOVA new video online

ABINCHOVA released Schatzhüter's video. The song is available on their latest album titled " Weltenwanderer ". 

NORVHAR first record in 2019

NORVHAR is a band from Switzerland and next year, they plan to release their very first EP titled "Kauna". TRACKLIST : 01. From Fire... 02. Fest In Midgard 03. Of Stone, Gold & Blood 04. Mystic Forest 05. Goblins' Outpost 06. Fields Of Fate 07. ... To Ashes This is NORVHAR :

RUMAHOY : second album on the way

RUMAHOY are currently working on their second album entitled "Time II: Party" set to be released in Spring 2019.  TRACKLIST : 01. Cowboys of the Sea 02. Time to Party 03. The Legend of Captain Yarrface 04. Treasure Gun 05. The Beer From My Town is Better Than Yours 06. Full Mast 07. Harambe, the Pirate Gorilla 08. Poop Deck Party 09. 1000 Years of Dust

AKTARUM new album out now

AKTARUM .released their new album that is entitled "Ragnatroll". You can listen and purchase the record to their webshop .

TROLLFEST : Espen Bin Askeladden video

TROLLFEST unveiled their new single and video for "Espen Bin Askeladden" song available for sale here , and in the upcoming “ Norwegian Fairytales ” album planned to be released on January 18th, 2019.

BUCOVINA released Septentrion album

BUCOVINA now released their new album "Septentrion" that you can get on Bandcamp. Septentrion by Bucovina

VALHALORE released Solace & Solitude EP

VALHALORE released their acoustic EP titled "Solace & Solitude". Solace & Solitude by Valhalore

AKTARUM : tracklist for the new album

AKTARUM unveiled the tracklist and story for Ragnatroll album, out december 8th. 1/ TrollFeast After the Game, the trolls returned to Aktarum, exhausted and yet happy. Although the smell of victory and decadence was at hand, something gloomy was rising in the woods that no one could foresee. 2/ Trolls In The Fog While the party comes to a higher pace, a scout Troll at the edge of the village saw a thin smoke escaping from the forest. 3/ Council Of Trolls The scout wasted no time. He climbed down the ladder, ran like hell to warn the Trolls of Aktarum. He didn't know what it was but he knew something evil was growing near the village. As soon as he arrived, the party dropped dead. It was like every one felt and feared this fog. 4/ Troll Bard The village decided to gather the council. The older and wiser Trolls agreed to send their best warrior to seek and find out what lies behind the mist. 5/ Troll Conqueror The Overtroll was chosen by the council. The b...

SUIDAKRA released Cimbric Yarns

“Cimbric Yarns” is the title for the new SUIDAKRA   album. TRACKLIST 01. Echtra 02. Serpentine Origins 03. Ode To Arma 04. A Day And Forever 05. Black Dawn 06. At Nine Light Night 07. Snakehenge 08. Birth And Despair 09. Assault On Urlár 10. Caoine Cruác

TROLLWAR released Oath of The Storm

The new TROLLWAR album is out now .   TRACKLIST  01. Intro   02. Summoning  03. Into Shadows   04. The Forsaken One   05. In Defiance   06. Hymn For The Vanquished   07. Forgotten   08. Omens of Victory   09. Home of Forbidden Lore  10. Shores of Madness   11. Winter’s Night   12. Outro


LOCATION : East-Flanders, Belgium Status : Active Music : Black Pagan MEMBERS : J.S.: vocals, all instruments Past members : Dieter: Lead guitar Bastiaan: Lead guitar Filip: Bass guitar Frederik: Bass guitar Nick: Bass guitar Joachim: Drums & percussion Tony: Drums & percussion Hammerman: Drums & percussion HISTORY :  Founded as a one-man band in 2002. Turned into a full band with the second album in 2005/6. Acted as a live band until 2009. Returned to being a one-man band for the "De roep van het woud" album. RECORDINGS : Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, demo 2003 Under the Alemannic Sun, demo 2004 Wur​ð​iz, demo 2004 Treachery, album 2004 The Völsunga Saga, album 2006 Cult of Wuotan, album 2008 The Silence, EP 2009 War into the World, EP 2011 Ni​ð​r ok Nor​ð​r, maxi single 2012 When Ice crowns the Earth, album 2011 Níðing, split-EP 2013 Upon the Waves of Ægir, single 2013 The Return, single 2014 Het bergaltaar, single 2017 De roep van...

I interviewed DYRNWYN

Five years after their first EP, the Italian band DYRNWYN released their debut album on October 24th. So, I interviewed the band to learn more about 😊 01. Hi guys ! First of all, can you tell me how was founded the band ? The band formed in fall 2012, by Ivan Cenerini and Ivan Coppola, who love the Pagan Folk Metal genre. When the first guitarist Mauro Ricotta joined the band, we’ve started to write the first songs. 02. What does that band name mean to you ? Choosing the name was taking away too much time, at first we weren’t even sure what topics we would have been talking about, so we have decided for a name that could please all of us.  Dyrnwyn is a mythical Celtic sword, one of the 13 Britain treasures. Many people link this sword to Excalibur and King Arthur 3/ The beginning of the band seemed difficult within a non-established line-up. How did you face it for shows and the whole ? As every band does, we have faced some complications...

INFINITYUM new album and video

INFINITYUM made a lyrics video for a song to feature on their upcoming album "Alliance" that follow up their debut album. More details will be later on.

TROLL BENDS FIR released Labyrinth Of Trolls

Originally planned for the end of this month, the TROLL BENDS FIR new album titled "Labyrinth Of Trolls" is now available worldwide.

Three OAKENSHIELD tracks for free

OAKENSHIELD retuns with a maxi single full of three unreleased tracks recorded during 2010. You can download for tree the songs on their bandcamp page . TRACKLIST  1. Twa Corbies (trad. Arr. Corkhill) 2. Lyke Wake Dirge (trad. Arr. Corkhill) 3. Man of Iron (Bathory)

A new RABENWOLF record will be in 2019

February 1st, 2019 will be released a new record by RABENWOLF. This is the artwork :  

CARA new video available

CARA unveiled their new video for "Mòran Taing" song. The track is available on their live album.

BUCOVINA's new album entitled Septentrion

"Septentrion" will be the new album signed BUCOVINA to be released december 8th, 2018. TRACKLIST : 01. Către Țara de Sus 02. Septentrion 03. Din negru (în mai negru) 04. Așteaptă-mă dincolo (de moarte) 05. Noaptea nimănui 06. Stele călăuză 07. Făurar de vise 08. De cremene 09. Nestrămutați II (Chemare) 10. Vinterdøden (bonus track)

...When things don't work...

Dear readers, bands and followers, That's with sadness I have to announce the Taravilyaion's departure as things didn't work well. However, I want to thank him for his try helping this website.  You too can work with me on Sword Chant The work is on our free time and for free. People working with me are free, working as they like. Of course, there are some things to understand and not dismiss when we work on a website. Thus, if you choose and agree for some works you pledged for, you have to do it then. Discussions can always be when you meet problem or if you change your mind and want to do other work here. Communication is very important getting one strong team and for the best of the website. And I hope our relation will go further with time, like one frienship born, which would be great, I think. I work a lot with various Google elements, Microsoft Excel and Word. Once again, I don't earn a cent for all things accomplished on this website since 2007. ...

TROLLWAR on their way to release a new album

TROLLWAR unleashed a lyrics video for their new song "Into Shadows" that will be available on their forthcoming record "Oath of The Storm", out November 16th. New album details : TRACKLIST  01. Intro   02. Summoning  03. Into Shadows   04. The Forsaken One   05. In Defiance   06. Hymn For The Vanquished   07. Forgotten   08. Omens of Victory   09. Home of Forbidden Lore  10. Shores of Madness   11. Winter’s Night   12. Outro

YOMI released Land of the Rising Sun

YOMI released their new album titled "Land of the Rising Sun". Land of the Rising Sun by Yomi

DYRNWYN : Sic Transit Gloria Mundi album news

"Sic Transit Gloria Mundi" by DYRNWYN released since october 24th. Heres the tracklist : 1. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi 2. Cerus 3. Parati Ad Impetvm 4. Si Vis Pacem… 5. …Para Bellum 6. L’Addio Del Primo Re 7. Il Sangue Dei Vinti 8. Feralia 9. Assedio Di Veio CCCXCVI

Fairytales of the TROLLFEST

January 18th, 2019, TROLLFEST will release their new album titled “Norwegian Fairytales”. The band commented : "In true TrollfesT tradition, Jonas Darnell is once again responsible for the amazing artwork and Terje Johnsen the design. What you see on the front cover is the two very famous trolls Nøkken and Fossegrimen being responsible for the nocturnal hymns heard throughout the forest at night time. Every song on the new album "Norwegian Fairytales" are based upon a Norwegian fairytale/folklore, with a little TrollfesT tw ist added of course". TRACKLIST 01. Fjøsnissens fjaseri 02. Kjettaren mot strømmen 03. Espen Bin Askeladden 04. Trine Reinlender 05. Fanden flyr 06. De tre Bukkene Berusa 07. Småfolkets store bragder 08. Draugen 09. Deildegasten 10. Byttingenes byttehandel 11. Nøkken og Fossegrimen spiller opp til midnattstimen

VALHALORE acoustic EP soon

VALHALORE will release "Solace and Solitude", an acoustic EP set to be released on november 30. Presales for the record are to their store . TRACKLIST 01. Solace 02. A Rose for Epona (Eluveitie cover) 03. Guardians of Time (Acoustic) 04. The Bard’s Song (Blind Guardian cover) 05. Solitude

Ash of Ashes

LOCATION :  Nachrodt-Wiblingwerde, Germany Status : Active Music : Folk Metal MEMBERS : Skaldir : vocals, guitars, bass and keyboards Morten : harsh vocals, lyrics HISTORY : Skaldir founded Ash of Ashes after the end of his previous band Hel. He started to write a song and kept compose after that. Then he approximately took a year's break, but eventually the longing for epic Metal became so big that Skaldir wrote more and more songs. During 2016 Skaldir had a phase in which he wrote half the album within a few days. After that he became aware of the direction in which he wanted to go. RECORDINGS : Down the White Waters, album 2018 Down the White Waters, single 2018 Springar, single 2020 Into Eternity, single 2022 To Those Long Forgotten, single 2022 Traces, album 2022 WEBSITES : Ashofashes Bandcamp Facebook Instagram Youtube Contact : Find more information on Sword Chant : - Band news

HEIDRA released The Blackening Tide

The new album by HEIDRA is out now. You can get it here . TRACKLIST : 01.Dawn 02.The Price in Blood 03.Rain of Embers 04.Lady of the Shade 05.A Crown of Five Fingers 06.The Blackening Tide 07.Corrupted Shores 08.Hell's Depths The Blackening Tide by Heidra

Next year will be the new WOLFHORDE album

WOLFHORDE are on their way to release their second album titled "Hounds of Perdition" set to be released on january 11, 2019. The album wakes you up into a nihilistic dystopia of the dying world. The world of Hounds of Perdition is roaming with strange creatures and few people in the snowy and gruesome fields of nothingness. With their new album Wolfhorde go deeper into experimenting the world of music from unheard perspectives.

FIRTAN unveiled a new video

The band made a new video for the song Nacht Verweil, available on their recent album titled  Okeanos .

Artwork for the new AKTARUM album

AKTARUM unveiled the artwork for Ragnatroll, their album coming out december 8, 2018 :

Trailer for the upcoming AKTARUM album

AKTARUM unleashed their new trailer focused on their album titled "Ragnatroll" coming out december 8th, 2018

SKALD debut album soon

French band SKALD will release their debut album "Le Chant des Vikings" on January 18. 2019. Have a  listen . They released a video :

MONGOL released The Return album

MONGOL  released their new album "The Return" that you can get here . TRACKLIST  01. Prophecy Of The Blind 02. The Return 03. Sacrificial Rites 04. Takhil 05. Amongst The Dead 06. To The Wind 07. Dschingis Khan 08.The Mountain Weeps 09. River Child 10. Warband The band unveiled a new video and " To The Wind " song.

TROLL BENDS FIR's new album by November

EINHERJER new album by november

November 9th will be out the new EINHERJER album titled "Norrøne Spor". The band unveiled a video for "Spre Vingene" available in the forthcoming album : ARTWORK and TRACKLIST : 01. The Spirit of a Thousand Years 02. Mine Våpen Mine Ord 03. Fra Konge Te Narr 04. Kill the Flame 05. Mot Vest 06. Spre Vingene 07. The Blood Song 08. Døden Tar Ingen Fangar 09. Tapt Uskyld 10. Av Djupare Røtter