AKTARUM : tracklist for the new album
1/ TrollFeast
After the Game, the trolls returned to Aktarum, exhausted and yet happy.
Although the smell of victory and decadence was at hand, something gloomy was rising in the woods that no one could foresee.
2/ Trolls In The Fog
While the party comes to a higher pace, a scout Troll at the edge of the village saw a thin smoke escaping from the forest.
3/ Council Of Trolls
The scout wasted no time. He climbed down the ladder, ran like hell to warn the Trolls of Aktarum. He didn't know what it was but he knew something evil was growing near the village. As soon as he arrived, the party dropped dead. It was like every one felt and feared this fog.
4/ Troll Bard
The village decided to gather the council. The older and wiser Trolls agreed to send their best warrior to seek and find out what lies behind the mist.
5/ Troll Conqueror
The Overtroll was chosen by the council. The bravest and strongest of Aktarum.
He set his things up. Took all the meat he could. Drank all the beer he could.
The once who stayed in the village drank with him as a celebration for his bravery.
6/ Troll’s Woodland
As the brave one arrived near the Forest, a strange feeling took hold of him.
He kept on walking deep in the forest. Nothing to be seen. No light to be found.
Nothing but a strange sound echoing in the shadow. As he dove even deeper in the woods, the sound became clearer and louder. He could hear a distant voice chanting in old evil tongue. His mind grew darker. His eyes turned black. Without knowing, he was no longer in charge of his bones and flesh.
7/ Party Troll
At the same time, Aktarum carried on the celebration, as they always did. Every single thing could be a reason to party. Even when darkness awaits...
8/ Troll’s Legacy
During the party, a wise old troll gathered who wanted to hear about the mighty "troll's Legacy". A well known tale of the bravest trolls who ever walked this planet. Back in those days of war, the trolls never took part in any battle of any kind. They were only busy in troll's issues. But darkness covered almost all the living fields, even the territories of the trolls, and three of them decided to go to war. One of them found a power buried in the caves of his land. The infinity Axe. A magic weapon long forgotten by all. The weapon could destroy evil once and for all. After slaying the evil, the day they returned to the troll's lands, the other trolls celebrate them like no Trolls ever did before. They decided to live as one, as a community. They named the village with the three names of the mighty trolls: Ak' Tar' Um'. And so the story begun.
9/ Black Eyed Troll
Overtroll, completely possessed by the evil mind of the forest, walked back to the village. The scout at the edge saw him and warned his council. Everybody rejoiced to see overtroll back. But something has changed. The troll they knew was gone. They realised what was upon them although not knowing what to do.
10/ Troll’s Grimoire
The wise old troll hurried looking for answers in the dusty Troll's grimoire. He knew it was time to seek the infinity axe once again. But the tales never spoke of its location, where it was hidden. Such a strong power could not fall in the hand of the enemy and therefore the Axe was buried somewhere...
11/ Troll Flag
So much to do and so little time to do it. The trolls had to decide. They could kill their brother. But they couldn't let him inside Aktarum. They settled down.
They needed to contain overtroll who's by far the strongest of the Trolls. They planned a trap to lock him up so they could find a cure.
12/ Ragnatroll
OverTroll arrived under the banner of the village...Ready to hunt every living trolls...The battle has begun...
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