Dear followers, This post to give you some updates and decision taken here. Updates I have updated infos I had regarding bands pages on this site, and for the new releases 2020. Thanks to contact me if I missed news ( ), and for future news. I've worked on the side menu, and updated the website with the addition of new pîctures-titles for the releases, bands, interviews, reviews and bands' crowdfunding pages. Back ground of these pictures is one tiny part of the Fejd picture I got the permitted rights for (thanks again for the permission!) and I added the white ink there reaching my goal. The role of pictures makes nicer the page, but also, the sharing appears a bit better in social networks. And then, I hope you like it. :) Shows : Coronavirus Covid-19 Due to Coronavirus worldwide, I won't add to the calendar, upcoming shows for the incoming months because I want everyone's safe and I advice you don't go to shows as ...