Some more improvements for Sword Chant

Hi, folks!

I want to tell about some pages and the Discord idea launched earlier.

Two pages improved

  • I improved the FAQ part available here, giving titles and adding some more content.
  • I am currently working on the lyrics main page. I want to give you one better eye-looking on the opportunity for you to translate lyrics of your favorite bands and then, I would share on this website as long I have the green light from the band. The idea is where is an arrow means that is possible for you to translate into whatever language. Of course, it remains unofficial content but if it can help other people to understand lyrics, that is the main goal. I asked the band for lyrics yet available, completing the tab there.


Probably my survey happened on a bad moment and then, I 'll do another one in Facebook.

Here is the idea :

Discord, an app available on PC and mobiles, makes possible the making of text and vocal rooms in a rather safe way. Discord is mainly known in the gaming branch but tends to expand with time, I think.

I have never been a fan of Facebook and looking at all the bothering (for users) issues the platform meets, I would prefer to go to Discord, discussing with the community, than creating a Facebook group. And I think that is missing in Sword Chant, nowadays.

Back to the roots, Sword Chant was a forum where people had fun all together, discussing music and more.
Wouldn't you like to find this again ?

So, I think Discord is one good and modern opportunity for our community to express.

I don't plan sharing news in Discord for now but it may change in the future as later, we may discuss together about.

Rooms in Discord can be public like private. Private room may be used for projects, like lyrics translations, one help to band and other future projects we may get.

Of course, we would discuss music for the main, and more.

My survey

Available on Facebook.

Select Yes if :
- you think to join and discuss with the community there 
- you think to join and work on projects we may create

Select No if :
- you think to only join - I don't see much interest opening a Discord server
- you don't want to join 
