The winner band of our 58th bands battle

They were five bands to fight one agianst the others: Jaldaboath, Ephyra, Les Alabres, Equester, Skull & Bones. Sadly, Equester had to leave the battle. The band EPHYRA played the game by promoting themselves well and now, can be proud to be the winner of our bands battle! Well deserved!

So, what is EPHYRA ?

EPHYRA is one band from Italy that deserves to keep your attention mainly if you enjoy the fantasy-medieval worlds.

They started as a death metal cover band in 2005 but today, they write their own songs with medieval influences.

Listen to their album out since that last month. It's entitled "Journey".

Heres a preview of the album:

Find more videos and all infos on this emerging band @ Sword Chant and leave a comment. You can purchase the album by going to their website.

Congratulations EPHYRA !!
